”Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”.

-Nelson Mandela

Proakatemia is demanding but also very inspiring study place for BBA students interested in Entrepreneurship. Proakatemia’s heart and home is in Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and it has been there since 1999. Proakatemia is situated in the city center of Tampere.

Proakatemia´s vision is to be the best source of knowledge and competence for entrepreneurs 2020. Proakatemia is a place with coaches, not teachers, and officies, not classes. Students study and learn in team enterprises. They carry out real customer projects through which they gain experience and earn money for their team enterprises. Besides business skills they also actively develop teamwork and leadership skills.

Entrepreneuship campus (called Y-kampus) is Proakatemia’s little sibling that is situated in the main campus area of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Y-kampus was founded in 2012. Y-kampus arranges business courses for students interested in Entrepreuneurship, inspiring events in innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity, and “From Teacher to Coach” –courses for teachers. Y-kampus is by far the most inspiring community and the coolest place at TAMK.

(Instead of setting boundaries coaches and teammates dare students to reach their limits and unique dreams. Proakatemia’s wide national and international networks provide students with a huge opportunity to create a wide network already during the studies. After graduation it helps them to create successful business or find a job of their dreams.)